Tuesday, February 2, 2010


A thought came across me tonight and it stuck with me, I posted a facebook status about it and then tried to go to bed. That failed! Number one, I hate when something gets in your head and you can not get it out of your head. For me this is how I get it out. Here is the status I put up, "What you invest your time in, is where you will see growth in the different areas of your life. If you do not invest, you will not see growth, so do not expect the benefits of growth when the investment is not there. This goes with every aspect of life, ministry, relationships, talents, and habits. I need to be able to prioritize my life so that I will be able to get the maximum growth." Yes I did accidentally put habitats instead of habits, but that is only because I can not spell and sometimes I am to A.D.D to look at the word I am correcting when spell check gives me options.

Moving forward, an investment is defined as "an act of devoting time, effort, or energy to a particular undertaking with the expectation of a worthwhile result". This is more of something practical and not so much spiritual even though you have to be able to incorporate this into your walk with God. When you think of the word investment, you probably think of money, and money is a good grounds of relating investing because it is something that is a essential part of life and we all know that we need it. (I need to insert a "lol" or "haha" here but its not very professional in a writing so I will not do it) When it comes down to it, what we invest in, in our lives is what will makes us grow. Example one, and everyone can relate to this because everyone has been through this, when you are in a relationship, not necessarily boyfriend/girlfriend but just a friendship and it is one sided, meaning you are the one doing the investing and the other person is not, then it will do nothing but drain you later on. Yes, it will help you grow and lessons will be learned, but when you are always giving and the other side is receiving and never giving, then your investment will go no where. Granted do not misread me investing in people is a totally different matter, but I am talking about a friendship, which the investment goes two ways. This is just an example, not my main point.

When I look at my life and realize all the time I have wasted, when I could of been investing in myself to make myself better in order to be a difference in peoples lives, it makes me sick. Time flies by so quickly and we do not realize how quickly it goes by. So I asked myself the question tonight, is the way I am investing my time, energy, and effort worth the time, energy, and effort that I am trying to put into it? It is a tough and a reality check question, and it is hard to lie to yourself when you are asking it. I really had to dig deep down and go though everything that is going on in my life right now in order to find out the answer for myself. The honest answer is there are things in my life that are pointless in investing in and will get me nowhere, but there are more things than the pointless areas, that are worth investing in. I just need to realize them and cut back on the time that I am trying to invest in them.

Last thing, right beside the word investment should be the word risk. Every time you invest in something weather it be trying to discover a new talent, relationship, people, or just time and effort into something that you are passionate about, there is a potential for let down, loss, and disappointment. Do not let that stop you, there is a point and I have reached that point sometimes where you let go (Example 2, I can spend all day and night trying to sing but unless God blesses me with a voice, it aint gonna happen), but do not stop trying and exploring new things.

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